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Cartoon babe shake the lake comic


An Alternative, Wakeboarding Graphic Novel

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A group of outsiders flip an Arizona lake town on its head attempting to rescue a bullied marina from snobby, yacht club encroachment by staging a mammoth, end-of-season, pro wakeboarding festival against the wishes of the town’s hardnosed park rangers.

wakeboarder fashion shake the lake comic book

"Tremendous artwork here and top notch storytelling. I fell in love with the crew and spent a lot of time daydreaming about my own reflected youth while reading. A+ work gents."

-Anonymous Comics Industry Big Wig

A wakeboarding comic book!?

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<flashback> Call me Cal. I'm the little shit in the blue cutoff. Me and my crew have been together a long time and we make a good team. But I'm the only one who seems to always get in trouble. You might say I bring it on myself but that's what being a kid is all about.


<present day> Well, I'm 23 now and not much has changed. But if it's not broke, don't fix it. I promised my parents I'd think about getting a job but tonight is the summer kickoff party and I'm hosting which means it's time to get going...

-STL Vol. #1

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Shake The Lake wakeboarding comic book
How to draw women Shake The Lake comic book
How We Started
A couple of bros (literally, we're brothers) met another couple of bros (in the literal sense they are brother and sister) and started working on the greatest graphic novel adventure of all time.
Cartoon babes in Shake The Lake comic book

About Us

Why Shake The Lake?
We lived this life, coming of age on the lake. STL is a fun story about the adventure of growing up; the friendships, heartache, triumph and satisfaction of conquering adolescence with your best buds. Yeah, we know there's no superheroes here but we hope to make up for it with beach babes, power boats and a goat... you'll see.

"Shake The Lake - Volume #1 is the best comic book I've ever read... It's actually the only comic book I've ever read."


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"Yeah, it's cool but when are you going to get a real job?"


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